If you are looking out to find local escorts online, then Bedpage is perhaps one of the best-classified websites that you can ideally visit. It is a like-for-like replacement for the backpage and perhaps serves a similar kind of purpose.
Moreover, it has a similar kind of feel, looks, and functionality as the backpage. Additionally, a lot of questions might be coming to your mind such as the cost needed for creating the post, if it is the right successor of the backpage, etc. So, we would be covering about the same in the paragraph to follow through the Bedpage Review.
A lot of people are concerned about the coverage of the Bedpage website. So, after doing proper research, we came to know that it has a similar level of coverage as compared to the Backpage. Some of the coverage includes all the states of the USA, European countries, Canadian provinces as well as the section of pacific, Asia, and Middle Eastern countries.
The only downside is that when you start clicking on these sections, then you may find that there are a few cities where no post found would pop up.
# Categories available on Bedpage
Bedpage is an all-inclusive classified ad website where you can post in several categories. You can easily find sections related to buy & sell, real estate, automotive, business services, real estate, jobs, etc.
Other than this, it has a dating section where you can easily find a subsection that includes women seeking men, women seeking women, men seeking women, transgender, etc.
Bedpage has a similar kind of navigation & look as compared to the Backpage platform. It is backed with a very modern look while having a very simple design. Apart from this, the navigation is super easy and thus you can easily navigate to any category where you want.
#User Experience
One of the good things about this platform is that you can scroll different posts from various cities without having to register yourself. But, when you go through the dating section, then you would need to follow the disclaimer page. In the disclaimer page, it tells the users that illegal activities won’t be promoted on the website.
Other than this, you would also have to certify that you would follow their terms of use, and perhaps you are over 18 to access the website.
You won’t have to pay anything if you are looking to browse the Bedpage platform. However, if you want an ad to be approved then you would have to pay $2 for each ad.
Apart from this, if you want your ad to move to the top of the listing, then you would need to spend an extra $1. The good thing is that you can also opt for the premium ad which would cost you $15 and perhaps help you to generate a good number of leads.
Final Words
Above are some of the aspects that we have covered about the Bed Page website. In the end, we can say that it is indeed a great alternative to Back Page as you can easily find several escorts ads in a very hassle-free manner.
Lastly, if you have any questions to ask, then you can let us know in the comment section and we would be happy to assist you.